Terms of use


www.typecenter.gr is the online store for the exhibition and sale of products through the Internet of the Greek public limited company “VASILIS MOUTSIDIS” with a distinctive title “TYPE CENTER SA” located at 11 Proedrou Drakaki Street, 17341 in Greece (Agios Dimitris). : VAT: EL-09443614. Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically for the use of the online store of TYPE CENTER, located at www.typecenter.gr.

Make sure that you agree to the following terms and conditions because any transaction with us through the above website www.typecenter.gr is governed by the following terms and your transaction with us implies acceptance of these terms.


Type Center reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew these terms and conditions of transactions made through its online store. Type Center undertakes the obligation to inform the users for any modifications as well as for any change, through the website of this e-shop. It is clarified that the change of terms does not cover orders that you have already placed.


Type Center is committed to the accuracy and validity of the information listed on the website of www.typecenter.gr both in terms of the existence of the essential features that are described on a case-by-case basis for each product available, as well as the accuracy of the data provided by the online service store, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which have escaped attention or have occurred unintentionally or due to any interruption of the operation of the website due to force majeure.


Type Center guarantees that consumers are informed in a timely manner of their unavailability. TYPE CENTER online store is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website and during it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website. Also, Type Center has no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and especially unauthorized interventions of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through it.


The website www.typecenter.gr is the official website of Type Center. All content on the pages posted by Type Center, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services and products, is the intellectual property of Type Center and is protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international law. contracts. The names, images, logos and badges that representType Center and/or its online store and /or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive marks and distinctive features of Type Center and / or of www.typecenter.gr and / or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition.

In any case, their appearance and display on the website www.typecenter.gr should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.


Users of the website www.typecenter.gr accept that they will not use  he online store Type Center for sending, publishing, sending, e-mail or transmitting in any other way any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libel, violates another’s privacy, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may harm minors in any way, is not entitled to be transmitted or in accordance with the law or contractual or managerial relations (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment or covered in confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or otherwise. third party property rights, contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, cause damage, destroy or intentionally or unintentionally violates the current Greek and Community law and its provisions, it may harass third parties in any way and any content used to collect or store personal data.


Type Center recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as your online transactions and takes all necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum possible security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential. The security of the Electronic Store of the Type Center is achieved by the following methods:

Customer Recognition
There are two codes used for your identification: the E-mail code (us-mail or username) and the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which provide you with absolute security in your personal information every time you register them. You are given the opportunity to change your Personal Secret Security Code (password) and your e-mail address as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your data is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining its confidentiality and concealment from third parties. In case of loss or leakage, you must notify us immediately, otherwise the Typecenter online store is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily detectable passwords (eg date of birth). We also suggest that you use not only letters and numbers but also symbols and password creation.

Ensuring the Confidentiality of the Transfer of Your Personal Data
To ensure the confidentiality of data transfer, we use the SSL: Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 encryption protocol from Let’s Encrypt

Controlled access (firewall)
Access to Type Center systems (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of specific services by customers / users while prohibiting access to systems and databases with confidential information and company information.

The Type Center system first decrypts the information it receives using the same key (predefined at the start of your connection to the service) and then processes it. Type Center systems send you information following the same encryption process.

At any point on the site you enter personal data (password, addresses, phone numbers, credit cards, etc.) there is SSL encryption: Let’s Encrypt Authority X3

Encryption is essentially a way of encrypting information until it reaches its specific recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. When ordering and if the user / customer is connected to the username and personal code in the online store of the Type Center, all communication between your computer and the systems of the Type Center is encrypted using a key. The Type Center system first decrypts the information it receives using the same key (predefined at the start of your connection to the service) and then processes it.

Confidential Transactions
The same basic principles that govern classic transactions apply in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user / member to the Type Center is confidential and the Type Center has taken all necessary measures to use it only to the extent that it deems necessary in the context of the services provided. Only authorized employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to place your orders.

Type Center does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless they have written consent from you or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public authority.

If Type Center uses third parties to support its systems, it ensures that confidentiality is ensured.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter 7 hereof, concerning Personal Data, you may request any information held about you as well as their correction in the event that you can substantiate the existence of an error.


During your visit to the pages of www.typecenter.gr you may be asked to state your personal information (name, surname, email address, product shipping address, etc.) as a rule to place your orders or to provide our services. Any personal data that you declare anywhere on the pages and services of the website www.typecenter.gr, are kept exclusively for reasons related to your transactions with us, the improvement of the services provided and the assurance of the operation of the respective service and not may be used by any third party (except where provided by law to the competent authorities only).

In any case, the employees of  Type Center who have access to your personal data are specific and the access of persons without authorization to your personal data is prohibited. Every reasonable step has been taken to secure your data. Your personal information in extremely rare and special cases may be disclosed to Business Center-affiliated companies for the purpose of supporting, promoting and executing your transaction with us, but always under conditions that fully ensure that your personal information is not suffer any illegal processing.

At any time, the user reserves the right to update or even object to the further processing of his data in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.


In our online store you can find about 2,500 products. We have divided our products into categories for better classification and finding. Our goal is to reach the final with as few clicks as possible. If you are looking for something specific, use the “smart” search, which will lead you directly to your specific choice.

Type Center makes every effort to provide high quality services. However, errors in product prices and features cannot be ruled out and it cannot be ensured that there will be no website interruptions or “human” errors when updating / stating the price of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of the markets, we invite you if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with your order contact the Customer Service Department at 210 9345600 or via the form e-mail of the website.

After registering your order you will receive an automated e-mail which will state the details of your order. After processing the order from the e-shopping department of Type Center, you will receive the second and confirmation e-mail with the products that will be sent to you. From this point on, the contract between us is concluded.

As your order progresses, you will receive a series of automated e-mails, which will indicate the progress of the order. These messages are as follows:

Order processing: When your order has been received by a partner of our company who checks it for its accuracy.

Canceled: Your order has been canceled after your request or poor communication with you for confirmation.

In case a pending order arises in your order, then a corresponding e-mail will be sent to you. Alternatively, we will contact you at the telephone numbers you have given us during the registration or registration of the order on our site.

There is no way to disable these updates, the sending of which is a prerequisite for the proper development of your order. We invite you to take care of these e-mails so that they can reach you and keep them throughout our transaction. It is your responsibility, if you do not receive the relevant e-mails, in accordance with the general terms governing our transactions, to inform us without delay. Your products will be delivered as soon as possible and in a time not exceeding thirty days from the conclusion of the contract.


In case of purchases you make from a distance, you can return a product and pay the price if you notify us in writing via the contact form www.typecenter.gr/contact or by phone by calling the Customer Service Department at 210 9345600 within 20 calendar days of receipt of the product by you or by a third party you indicate. By exercising the withdrawal you are obliged to return the product to us in its original excellent condition in which it was delivered to you or to provide us with clear and indisputable evidence that you have certainly sent it within 20 calendar days from the exercise of the right of withdrawal by you and within We are obliged to repay you any amount you have paid us using the payment method you have chosen. In the case that you have paid with a payment card, we immediately place the order with the card issuer and we are not responsible for any delays in crediting the price to you who are not due to us.

The consumer is liable for any reduction in the value of the goods only as a result of the management of the goods other than that which is necessary for the determination of the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods. We are not responsible or liable to the consumer, nor will the withdrawal result in the event of damage to the goods through the fault of the consumer or in the case of use which exceeds the requirements for the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods.

In any case, the products you wish to return must be accompanied by the necessary legal documents and receipts. If the shipping costs of returning the product exceed the cost of universal postal service, they are not covered by Type Center and are borne by the customer.

You are not entitled to withdraw in the cases of article 3b of law 251/94 and in any other case that this is provided by law or this law. Indicatively, you are not entitled to exercise retreat in products such as personalized products.


The manufacturer of each product you buy is responsible for any damage caused by a defect in its product. Claims against the producer for damages are barred after three years after the injured party has been informed or should have been informed of the damage, defect and identity of the producer.

Each permanent consumer good is accompanied by the written guarantee of the manufacturer of the product. Please pay special attention to the terms of the warranty provided by the Supplier as well as to the other accompanying documents and data which under the responsibility of the Supplier are included in the products and especially those concerning information on the safe use and maintenance of products. In particular, we emphasize the following: The supplier must provide the consumer in writing, in Greek or with internationally established symbols, clear and complete instructions for safe use, safekeeping, maintenance and full utilization of the product and information on hazards during use and maintenance. of.

The guarantee must include, in simple, legible and understandable wording in the Greek language, at least the name and address of the guarantor, the product to which the guarantee refers, its exact content, its duration and the extent of its territorial validity. The warranty must comply with the rules of good faith and must not be invalidated by excessive exceptions. The warranty period must be reasonable in relation to the possible shelf life of the product. If a defect occurs in the product during the warranty period and the supplier refuses or slows down the repair beyond the time required, the consumer is entitled to request the replacement of the product with new same features and quality or if it is not repaired ask for a withdrawal from contract. In addition to the warranty, the Supplier of new permanent consumer goods must provide consumers with continuous technical services for their maintenance and repair for a period of time equal to their possible lifespan. The Supplier must also provide consumers with the option of purchasing spare parts and other products required for their use in accordance with their destination for the entire duration of their life. Pursuant to the above provisions, the Type Center, as long as it is a Supplier of a product, as defined above, will provide you with every possible assistance for the fulfillment of the terms of the Supplier’s guarantee, without your charge. This is regardless of the out-of-warranty maintenance services, which we can provide you with the current charge on a case-by-case basis. Finally, the Type Center has against you all the obligations provided in the Civil Code for the seller. Especially in case of defect of the product we sell you you can (a) request its repair without your charge or its replacement with another unless this is impossible or requires disproportionate costs (b) to request the reduction of the price and (c) to back off, unless it is an insignificant real defect.


The cancellation of the order can be done in the following cases:
Before the order is completed, during the online ordering process you can go back and remove the quantities of products from your cart by clicking on the “Remove” button.
If the online order has been completed but the product has not been shipped yet, you can call 210 9345600 and one of our partners will cancel your order.
After receiving the product, call us at 210 9345600 or contact us via the e-mail form of the website, explaining the reason you wish to cancel the order.
In case your order has already been invoiced and you wish to cancel it, then contact the Customer Service Department at 210 9345600 and give the details of your order.


1. Credit Card Payment
The e-shop of Type Center accepts all Visa, Mastercard, American Express and DINERS credit cards. Your online store transactions are protected by top online security systems (SSL-256 bit and digital certification by Verisign, Inc.) which guarantee a secure transaction environment in most of the world’s 500 largest companies. You will be asked to fill in the order form and the number and expiration date as well as the 3-digit number (CVV) listed on the back of your credit card. In case the order is made on the data and on behalf of the company then the credit card you use must be corporate. That is, it has been issued to the data of the respective company.

2. Payment upon receipt of the order at your place (cash on delivery)
Pay the partner of the courier company, we are cooperating with the delivery of your order at your place. The cash on delivery method is valid for all of Greece and is free. Cash on delivery is not available for the products you want to personalize. Personalized products are discounted.

3. Deposit in a bank account
Prepay your order in one of the following bank accounts we work with and send us a copy of the bank payment order by email: erompaki @ typecenter.gr / logistirio @ typecenter.gr, stating your order number so that it can be done easily and quickly the identification. Upon receipt of the copy of the bank payment order, we launch your order.

IBAN: GR84 026 0251 0000 58 0200650761
ACCOUNTING: 0026‐0251‐58‐0200650761

IBAN: GR76 0140 1560 1560 0232 0002 124
ACCOUNTING: 156 00 2320 002124

National Bank
IBAN: GR3701101560000015647016318
ACCOUNTING: 156 47016318

4. Receipt and payment of your order at the nearest Type Center store
In the final stage of completing the order, select “Receipt from store” in the Shipping Method. Then select the nearest store that serves you from the list of stores. Your order will remain in the store of your choice. Payment of the order will be made at the store’s cashier upon receipt. In case you choose to repay your order by credit card, we inform you that the charge will be made at the store. You will need to bring your credit card and ID (or passport) with you when you place your order at the store cashier.

5. Payment via PayPal
By choosing PayPal as a payment method, you are automatically transferred to the PayPal page for the transaction and payment of the order. PayPal is the most well-known, secure and reliable intermediary for Online transactions. Transactions made via PayPal relate exclusively to customer service and are not combined with other payment methods. PayPal transactions are governed by the PayPal Terms & Conditions.


The pricing policy of Type Center products is the same in all of our distribution channels: stores, online store. However, in selected products we have created the so-called “WebOffer” offers, where their price in the online store differs from other distribution channels and applies only to purchases through this online store and shipping either to your place or to a store of your choice for collection. In any case, although we make every effort to accurately indicate the data and prices we quote in our online store, we cannot rule out the possibility of typographical or technical errors in prices and products.


When you place your order, you will see the following message (example): “YOUR ORDER IS COMPLETED. THANK YOU. Your order number is 71243. Please check your e-mail. We have sent you a confirmation e-mail with the details of your order. ”

Dates and delivery times:
Delivery days are from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 17.00 pm for all of Greece. * For orders within Athens, the possibility of delivery is also provided on Saturday with extra charge (if requested in the comments of the order).

Within 2 to 4 working days in the capitals of the prefectures (Mainland Greece and Crete and within 3-6 working days in, islands and remote areas, if the products you have ordered are available. In case you want to receive your order faster, We may send it to you through an additional charge. The above deadlines do not apply during periods of extreme weather or strikes and in any case of force majeure, which may affect the time of transfer.

In case you want a transport company of your choice with which the Type Center does not cooperate, then the transport costs are borne by the customer regardless of whether the order exceeds 50 €.

Shipping Expenses / Free Shipping:
For orders over € 75, shipping costs are free for all of Greece.
For orders under € 75 the cost is as follows: € 5 for all of Greece.


Your order may be delayed for the following reasons:

The product you ordered has already been removed and is not available: Among the products we display in our online store there are rare cases where their supplier suddenly and unannounced announces that he is removing them. In this case, an employee of our company will contact you directly to give you all the alternatives.
In times of extreme weather or strikes as well as in any case of force majeure, which may affect the transport and delivery of your order.
In case the telephone and / or e-mail communication with you is impossible (if there is a problem with your order, either in relation to the product or in relation to its payment) because, for example, your details that you have entered is not properly updated.
In any case, the delay shall not exceed thirty days from the conclusion of the contract.

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